Meet one of our past recipients, Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle! We have worked with them to benefit their Hunger Project and Youth Shelter. The food pantry program allows participants to take care of their food needs without sacrificing funds for other necessities.
The food bank, a Community Impact Project of the United Way of Amarillo/Canyon, provides a free, healthy supply of food for those on a fixed income, every month! The store is for both those age 55 and over or those with disabilities of any age. Just like Panhandle Oilmen’s Foundation, this organization relies on volunteers and donators to operate.
The Pearl Longbine Cottage emergency youth shelter is there for children ages 5-17 who need safety and a sense of security. All of their basic needs are provided for including shampoo, toothpaste, towels, brushes, socks, food, and a comfortable bed.
Looking for a way to help support Catholic Charites of the Texas Panhandle? Visit their website here!